Sunday, October 23, 2011

COMMENT from the Author

I want to thank everyone who continues to visit this page. I really appreciate that people read what I write on here.

I also want to remind everyone that the "comments" feature is supposed to be used for just that: making comments relevant to the posts on here. I read through the comment page today and found that people had been using it as a means to insult each other and discuss issues that I cannot even decipher. I would appreciate if everyone would refrain from using the comment page on my blog to attack others. That is the complete opposite of why I created this page in the first place.

I just read that somebody who previously had a link to one of my articles took it down as a result of peoples' immature behavior in the comment page. This means that less people are reading my page because people feel the need to have some sort of Internet war on the comment page of MY blog.

I apologize to those NOT involved in this behavior for having to make this post, but I don't want to see this going on my page. I am just politely requesting that anyone who calls themselves a reader of my page to refrain from behaving this way. If you read my page, you know that I am strongly against bullying, so I definitely do not want to see any bullying going on at the expense of my blog and the people who read it.

Thank you :)


  1. I do believe that you intended for this to be a positive blog. However, if that is the case you need to research who you are promoting and associated with. The comments have been very true and this is a country of Free Speech. Representing someone who takes advantage of innocent people, preys on volunerablities, and scams people out of thousands of dollars is not positive or productive for this site at all. Please beware of who you chose to represent and who you affiliate yourself with. It could reflect badly for you in the future!

  2. I would like to know who you are if there is some way you could do that. You don't need to expose who you are to everyone on here, but I think if you are posting these comments on my blog and expecting me to believe you then I should at least know who you are.

  3. I did not post the above comment but agree with anonymous completely. They are speaking about Albert Harris and White Light Productions. You are listed as one of my "Facebook" friends Aly. If you would like to contact me, my email address is
