Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sexual Abuse Made Easier

The definition of rape as we know is being redefined to exclude date rapes and other sexual coercion where the victim is incapacitated. This proposal comes from House Bill 3, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, a bill that would further screws over victims of sexual abuse who were drugged, drunk, unconscious, mentally disabled or date raped.

This new definition of rape means that someone who is asleep, drugged or otherwise incapacitated would be able to be forced into sex, and by law, they would have to like it. This may as well be a proposal to arm sexual predators with an extra set of penises that they can legally force into women.

What would this mean for the woman suffering from insomnia who took her prescription medication to fall asleep, and then had a man force himself upon her while catching some much needed shuteye? No matter how loudly she screamed when she woke up and realized what had happened to her, she wouldn’t have been a rape victim. According to the law, she consented to the sex the moment her head hit the pillow.

Picture the application of this standard to other crimes, for example burglary and robbery. A woman plagued by panic attacks and anxiety who has taken her daily prescribed dose of her anxiolytic medication. She is now defenseless. A man breaks into her house and helps himself to her belongings. Imagine a world where attorneys would refuse to take that woman’s case because they wouldn’t have a chance in hell in a courtroom.

People find the burglary and rape comparison far-fetched, but believe me, a woman’s body is a lot more sacred to her than any Plasma television set in her house. No man should be able to abuse a woman sexually regardless of her blood-alcohol content.

It is even more mind-blowing that this change in definition would extend to date-rape cases. This means a man can discreetly slip a date rape drug into a woman’s drink, wait for it to kick in, and then do whatever the hell he wants to that woman. He wouldn’t have to worry about being charged with rape; under the new definition of rape, he would be considered a law-abiding citizen. What happened between him and the woman certainly sounds like rape, but it was only sex. That man didn’t rape anybody; he just got laid. Maybe instead of getting arrested, he’ll go home and brag about it to his bros. They form teams and see how many women they can drug and molest.

Making this change to the definition of rape would make it infinitely easier for men to sexually abuse women without getting in any legal trouble. They would just have to find the right drugs or women who are prescribed to the right drugs, and get busy.


  1. Nice point and all, but sexual abuse doesn't only happen to women.


  3. "The definition of rape as we know is being redefined to exclude date rapes and other sexual coercion where the victim is incapacitated. "

    I thought the bill was criticized for not defining "rape" or "forcible rape." So, how can we say the terms are being "redefined"?
